5 Natural Phenomenon Explained for Kids
We live in a world full of wonders, and as children grow up, they become more curious about the things around them. While it is good to let them explore in their own little ways, it is also important that parents are ready to answer their questions and explain to them some things that they may have a hard time grasping. Examples of such things are the different natural phenomena. Children will most likely be curious about the world outside of their home and all the things that they can see. After all, they are surrounded by nature wherever they go. No need to worry because we got your back! We listed down five natural phenomena that you can easily explain to your curious kids and start your fun discovery together.
Solar Eclipse
Children might already be familiar with the moon, the planets, the sun, and other celestial bodies that they have come across. Teaching them one natural phenomenon where three celestial bodies look like they are colliding will be a cool discovery for them. In simple words, a solar eclipse is the event when the moon passes in between Earth and the sun and casts its shadow on Earth. This causes a black spot to be seen in the sky. Discover other types of eclipses with your kids in this video from Sineskwela1
Kids sometimes enjoy playing with water because it naturally stimulates their senses. You might have experienced your kid asking for permission to play with water or even shower in the rain. With this surely is the accompanying question, where does rain come from? Here is a fun Science Says experiment you can try together to better explain the concept and make your discussion more interactive:
Lightning can sometimes be scary for kids especially since it is usually followed by thunderclaps and power outage. One way to address this fear is by talking about the Science behind this. Here’s Kiko Kidlat from Sineskwela to help you!
Tropical Cyclones
The Philippines experience typhoons or cyclones a couple of time a year, so you might as well let your children know what causes this phenomenon and how they can stay safe while it happens. Check out this episode from Sineskwela to get you started!
A rainbow happens when sunlight shines through droplets of water in the sky, creating multiple colors of light to be seen. Rainbows are usually popular with kids because of these beautiful colors. Encourage this interest by learning more rainbows in this Sineskwela video lesson!
Experiencing these natural phenomena could both be fun and scary for kids, but with proper help and guidance, they can slowly understand these concepts and be motivated to learn more about their surroundings. Do not be afraid to show your kids the wonders of nature, as this will help improve not just their physical health but also their critical thinking, creativity, sense of responsibility, at social skills.
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