Star Dreamers Reign Parani and Ali Abinal take on their first teleserye roles via Sandugo, a drama series airing this month. Reign portrays the role of Gwen, a kindhearted daughter born in a malevolent family. Gwen would grow tired and turn rebellious, leading her into the world of Nap, Ali’s character.
Ali and Reign are grateful for the opportunity to be part of a big series. Ali viewED the project as a chance to make his parents more proud while Reign said she is extremely overwhelmed. Reign revealed that she felt intimidated and nervous sharing a scene with Vina Morales and Ogie Diaz on her first taping day. Nevertheless, she surpassed the first day jitters through her co-actors’ help.
Now that they have moved further in their showbiz journey, Reign and Ali are becoming more susceptible to rumors and controversies. There are reports claiming that Reign was the reason behind Ali’s split-up with his girlfriend of two years.
Ali clarified that his relationship with his ex-girlfriend got complicated as days passed. Lack of time, career, and bashing are amongst the cause of their conflict while Reign has nothing to do with it.
In the next TWBA segments, Reign and Ali showcased their other talents. Reign taught Boy Abunda several French words that she learned during her stay in Canada. Ali displayed the modeling skills he got from the continuous trainings under the Star Hunt Academy Group, “Hunks and Babes”. Ali can do a split, too which he perfected through his daily mixed martial arts training.
As a first-timer in the TWBA hot seat, Reign took on the Fast Talk Challenge. Reign would prefer a good heart than an intelligent mind. She picked the powers to fly over invisibility; and said she craves for sleep than food.
According to Reign, she feels comfortable sharing her secrets with Ali and fellow PBB graduate Aljon Mendoza. “Ako si Reign, at ako ay palaban”, the young artist said.