In an episode aired in 2017, the TWBA studio was visited by lovely Kapamilya actresses Janella Salvador, Sofia Andres, Maris Racal, and Jane Oineza, co-stars in the thriller-mystery film “Bloody Crayons.” The girls have pretty much known each other so well on the set, proof is their fun Fast Talk Challenge where they revealed who’s who among the four of them.
In this special Fast Talk segment on Tonight with Boy Abunda, the ladies voted Jane as the most attached to her mobile phone. Sofia is the “adik sa social media,” fashionista, and sleepyhead in the group. Also, she’s the most “pikon” and selfie queen according to her co-stars.
Jane and Janella are the noisiest. On questions about love life, the girls only had Jane in mind. They said Jane is in love, in a real-life relationship, and is most likely the first to settle down. She’s also voted as the best actress among them.
“Pinakatakot sa Nanay?” It would have to be Janella. “Pinakamayaman?” They pointed at Tito Boy to play safe. Everyone is “matakaw.” “May pinakamagandang kutis?” Maris willingly gave the title to her friends.
Check out Janella, Sofia, Maris and Jane’s girly Fast Talk Challenge in this video!