James Reid is set to be part of another groundbreaking teleserye alongside K-Pop idol Nancy Mcdonie of the popular girl group Momoland. The series, entitled “Soulmate,” will be shot in the Philippines and Korea. In one tweet that eventually went viral, James requested fans not to create “ship names” for him and Nancy- saying he already has one, which is JaDine.
James clarified that the appeal was not influenced by girlfriend Nadine Lustre but just his personal preference. James feels like loveteams are somewhat an old formula. “Just let artists work together for the sake of work. We don’t have to involve personal lives as well. Let’s move away from that. It’s not healthy,” the actor explained.
Capping off the interview, James played the “Games Reid o Games Over Reid” Challenge where he would choose his next possible leading ladies. James said he’s open to working with Yassi Pressman, his long-time friend; Kathryn Bernardo, and Liza Soberano. He envisions a music project with Janella Salvador. On Julia Barretto, James answered “Games Over Reid” but clarified that he doesn’t have any issue with the actress.
Choosing a possible leading man for Nadine, James gives a thumbs-up for Arjo Atayde whom he describes as an amazing actor and Coco Martin if the project is an action genre. He can also visualize Nadine working with Joshua Garcia and Daniel Padilla.
To end the episode, James called in Idol Philippines alumni Matty Juniosa, Lucas Garcia, and Dan Ombao who brought in a birthday cake and belted out the “Happy Birthday” song for Boy Abunda.