A new chapter unfolds in Camila (Maja Salvador)’s life as she reveals herself in Las Espadas. Camila is just a few steps closer to burying the past by killing Luciano (Cris Villanueva), the mastermind behind the series of unfortunate events that brought her life to naught. However, learning about Luciano’s plans to blast Las Espadas, by planting a bomb at the Dia De Ezperanza event, forces Camila to abort her mission of exacting revenge.
Camila hurriedly rides a horse going to the venue and loudly warns the crowd about the impending explosion. Seeing her in the flesh results to clamour from the townsmen but Camila pays no heed to the accusing eyes staring at her. Camila boldly walks in the middle of the crowd and continues asking everyone to run away. She stops by Manay Ichu (Malou De Guzman) and demands her to leave the place. Iking (Pepe Herrera) shouts and says the bomb is located at the stage, recalling Manoy Andres (Soliman Cruz)’ vision. The townsfolks’ terrified response results to a commotion. Mayor Marciana (Ilonah Jean) is among those who were trapped in the stampede. The Dela Torre and Dela Cuesta families manage to save their lives. Tessa (Loren Burgos) ensures Luna (Alexa Ilacad)’s safety. Ingrid (Keana Reeves) is seen wanting to look for Elias (Joshua Garcia) first but Aran (Eric Nicolas) forcibly drags her out of the venue. All the other citizens run in their own attempts to save themselves.
Camila sees Emma (Janella Salvador) standing on stage with Elias. In the previous episode, Elias caught Emma investigating on a possible danger upon seeing Luciano’s henchman in the area. The bomb blasts in a snap amidst Elias and Emma’s attempted escape. After the destructive explosion, Elias’ unconscious body is seen embracing that of Emma’s, hinting that he tried to protect her once again. The two are rushed in the hospital along with the other victims.