Camila (Maja Salvador) and Elias (Joshua Garcia) put up a show in front of Alice (Lara Quigaman) to save Matias (Manuel Chua) and make her pay for her crimes. Just as when they thought Alice has come to her end, another player joins in the deadly game. Agnes (Mara Lopez) appears and ruthlessly shots Matias.
Camila saves Elias from Agnes but the latter, before taking her final breath, gets even by shooting a clueless Camila. The bullet pierces Camila’s gut forcing her to just let Elias flee and ask for help while she waits for any possible rescue. She keeps on telling Elias to make her act of sacrifice be known to Emma (Janella Salvador).
Unfortunately, Alice catches Camila while she’s waiting for the rescue that Elias called for. Alice violently crushes Camila’s wounded gut with the soles of her shoe. She wishes to torture her niece even more but the sound of Vito’s vehicle approaching quite alarms her. Alice knows she has to finish the game right away. Alice taunts Camila by telling her that Vida is still alive and then pierces Camila’s chest with her bullet.
In this scene, Elias wakes up to a nightmare about Camila’s tragic death.
At the Dela Torre mansion, Donya Guada (Aurora Sevilla) is pushed to her limits when Tatiana (Ariella Arida) rejoices over Camila’s death. Mourning and in denial, Donya Guada slaps Tatiana and tells her to have a bit of sensitivity. She insists that Camila is still a family member no matter what happened among them in the past. Adding more to Donya Guada’s pain is the allegation that Alice, a relative, is the ‘killer groom.’
Meanwhile, Alice stabs herself to appear like a victim. The next day, she is found by a random farmer lying helpless on a grassland.