Recently, Emma (Janella Salvador) dauntlessly saved her friends – Elias (Joshua Garcia), Manay Ichu (Malou de Guzman), Tsoknat (Pamu Pamorada), and Iking (Pepe Herrera) – who were all held hostage by Juan Felipe (James Blanco) at Dako Pa Roon in order to entice her appearance. Emma sought the help of Camila (Maja Salvador) who asked her to bring a hallucination-inducing drug. Then, a disoriented Juan Felipe owned up to the murder of Marvin Cruz (Kokoy de Santos) through Camila’s interrogation. The revelation, recorded by Fabio (Miko Raval), was circulated and aired on television. The incident pushed Juan Felipe to leave his hometown in order to save himself from the cops.
In the current episode, the Dako Pa Roon crew talks about the news on Juan Felipe’s disappearance. Manay Ichu scolds Emma for her boldness.
Emma explains that she was just scared and trying to spare everyone from danger. But, she regrets that her friends were still dragged in the terrifying circumstances despite her decision to leave for a while. Emma’s voice cracks a little as she expresses her love for her friends. Tsoknat and Iking initiate a group hug. Elias (Joshua Garcia) arrives with a bouquet of roses and lightens up the heartwarming scene; clueless that a more heartbreaking moment is about to happen.