A new chapter unfolds in the town of Las Espadas after the disappearance of Mayor Juan Felipe (James Blanco) who is known for his iron-fist. In the previous episodes, Juan Felipe decided to leave his hometown to escape from the cops after he unknowingly admitted being the mastermind of Marvin Cruz (Kokoy De Santos)’s murder. Juan Felipe was drugged and interrogated by Camila (Maja Salvador) who had the confession recorded and leaked through Fabio (Miko Raval)’s help.
Vice Mayor Marciana (Ilonah Jean), Mildred (Vivoree Esclito)’s aunt, assumes Juan Felipe’s post. She immediately calls for a meeting and faces her constituents. Marciana urges the townsfolks of Las Espadas to move forward no matter how painful the process is.
After the assembly, Emma (Janella Salvador) pays a visit at the Dela Torre mansion. The family still receives Emma with warmth despite the series of unfortunate events involving her and Juan Felipe. Donya Guada (Aurora Sevilla) and Alice (Lara Quigaman) even point out that Juan Felipe was just out of his mind.
However, Tatiana (Ariella Arida), who is known as Juan Felipe’s closest sibling and confidant, angrily expresses her opposing view. She stands up for her beloved Kuya, saying Juan Felipe has not gone mad. Tatiana believes in Juan Felipe’s claims that Emma is working in a conspiracy. Tatiana’s feelings of vexation is stirred even more while telling everyone that Juan Felipe is no longer picking up her calls. Tatiana is getting worried about her brother’s safety.
Luciano (Cris Villanueva), who was recently revealed as a villain, calls out Tatiana’s behavior and acts friendly towards Emma.