In a put-up job orchestrated by a still unknown person, Emma (Janella Salvador) arrives at an abandoned building where Juan Felipe (James Blanco) was asked to come as well. Camila (Maja Salvador) comes to the rescue and risks her life by receiving Juan Felipe’s bullet. Fabio (Miko Raval) arrives and rushes Camila in the hospital.
While under recovery, Camila’s soul departs from her physical body and she encounters a ghostly creature that appears as a woman dressed in red. The lady unveils her face and she turns out to be Belinda (Sammie Rimando), the Dela Torre who was raped by a Dela Cuesta.
Belinda urges Camila to end the acts of vengeance by opting to die. In a snap, Camila finds herself getting strangled to death. Camila sees the image of a young Emma and reaches out for the child’s hand; bringing her back to life. Camila insists to continue her recovery at Las Espadas.
In the hideout, Emma narrates how she ended up going to the abandoned building. In the previous episode, Emma and Elias (Joshua Garcia) talked about seeking help from Gerry, a friend of Elias who has expertise on the Belladonna plant. Next morning, Emma received a call from a man claiming to be Jerry who asked to meet her at the building. She arrived at the meeting place but to her surprise, Juan Felipe appeared with his henchmen and accused her of killing Ivan (Angelo Patrimonio).
Listening to Emma’s narrative, Camila and Fabio put the blame on Elias. They assume that Elias is the culprit behind the frame-up incident against Emma. But, Emma herself believes otherwise and vouches for Elias’ innocence.
Due to the weight of danger around them, Camila and Fabio ask Emma to stay in the hideout and forgo her secret mission in Las Espadas. Camila decides to just rely on Fabio and spare Emma from the act. Yet, Emma insists to finish what she has started.