Emma (Janella Salvador) receives a call from a man who introduced himself as Gerry, Elias (Joshua Garcia)’s friend and an expert in the Belladonna plant. Wanting to dig up more leads about her mysterious abduction, Emma bites in to the bait. She agrees to meet ‘Gerry’ in an abandoned building in Las Espadas.
Meanwhile, Juan Felipe (James Blanco) also gets a tip from an anonymous informant telling him to come at the same location to see the murderer behind Ivan (Angelo Patrimonio)’s death. Camila (Maja Salavdor) learns about Juan Felipe’s agenda through her accomplice.
As the scenes unfold, it becomes clearer that the series of incidents is part of a put-up job. At the flower farm, Elias receives a guest; it is none other than the real Jerry. Elias contacts Emma.
The scene cuts to Emma talking to Camila over the phone to give an update on her whereabouts. Weaving the clues together, Camila’s heart pounds as she warns Emma to leave the place immediately but the conversation is cut short when Emma’s phone goes off.
Emma starts to feel anxious as she gazes around the place. Fear escalates even more when Emma sees Juan Felipe with his henchmen, holding a gun in their hands.