Now on its third edition, Star Magic Hot Summer 2024 puts the spotlight on “transformations that bring healthier and happier life” as it features artists who went through different journeys in order to achieve their body goals, which include working out, observing balanced diets, and having a better lifestyle.
Eighteen artists under the wing of the premier talent agency courageously and enthusiastically took on the tough yet fulfilling challenge to change by going through a three-month transformational journey under the supervision of fitness coaches Jim Saret and Toni Saret that involved significant lifestyle change and rigorous trainings. But more than the aesthetics and the goal of looking good for the summer, their journey aimed to improve their overall well-being and develop discipline in their minds, bodies, and souls.
Check out these behind-the-scenes moments during the Star Magic Hot Summer 2024 held last May 15, at the La Luz Beach Resort and Spa located in Laiya, San Juan, Batangas.