Through Almeda’s help, Teresa (Judy Ann Santos) discovers that Dexter (Joem Bascon) is the one responsible for Robert (Tirso Cruz III)’s murder. The police heads to Dexter’s house right away. Unfortunately, the suspect manages to escape upon receiving a tip from his asset.
The fleeing group hits a police checkpoint, leading to a clash. Dexter’s henchmen fall under the hands of the authorities while he selfishly leaves them behind and hides in the woods. Dexter tells Starla (Jana Agoncillo) about his plan to take Buboy (Enzo Pelojero), so to press her in granting his wishes.
Starla vows not to let Buboy get harmed.
Meanwhile, Buboy worries over Starla’s safety as well especially now that the baby star has only one trial wish left. Buboy hopes that Starla would never use the remaining wish for someone’s evil desire no matter what happens.
At the Wishing Star Academy, Starla’s friends, now full-fledge wishing stars, rejoice on their graduation day and long for Starla’s presence. Lola Tala (Charo Santos-Concio) believes that Starla would surpass her test and become a full-fledge wishing star as well.