At the NBI headquarters, a man named Dante (Noel Rayos) surrendered as Bogs’ killer. Out of rage, Armand (Ketchup Eusebio) entices the suspect into a brawl as he forces him to speak the truth. Fina (Jodi Sta. Maria) boldly questions Dante’s credibility and insists that he is just protecting the real culprit. Yet, despite Armand and Fina’s doubt, Dante keeps his statements consistent.
After the interrogation with Dante, Yandro (Alvin Anson), Fina, and Armand talk again about Bogs’ case. Fina is totally not convinced of Dante’s claims, and she believes the latter is just a spawn of Bogs’ actual murderer. Yandro says Fina’s assumptions are all baseless; so Armand suggests doing a background check on Dante to ensure his credibility.
Armand and Fina talk to Dante’s wife who insists her husband will never have the guts to take someone else’s life. The narrative of Dante’s family makes Fina believe that her suspicions are true and she puts the blame on Greco (Kit Thompson) once again.
Fina storms to Greco at the NBI headquarters and accuses him of manipulating Bogs’ case. Fina boldly dares Greco to reveal her missing daughter’s whereabouts. Yet, Fina walks away as Greco starts throwing in the possible legal charges that equates with Fina’s mindless accusations.
Armand finds out what happened and he reminds Fina to be cautious of her actions, saying they are dealing with powerful people who can do more than what they imagine.
Still, Fina dismisses Armand’s warnings as she firmly believes that they are getting closer to the truth. If you are in the Philippines, watch the FULL episode on www.iwant.p
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