Pusong Ligaw is the story of best friends Tessa (Beauty Gonzales), a striving fashion designer, and Marga (Bianca King), a quick-witted beauty queen who both dream of becoming big in their respective careers. They promise to stick together until they both succeed, but that is until Marga betrays Tessa and sleeps with her boyfriend Caloy (Joem Bascon).
To mend her broken heart, Tessa transfers to Manila where she gives birth to Rafael, her child with Caloy. She singlehandedly raises the boy and tries her best to make ends meet for the two of them.
Fate once again tests her, however, when Rafael is stolen from her by an unknown woman. Just as when she is about to give up, she encounters Jaime (Raymund Bagatsing) who eventually helps her along her struggles.
The two then adopt a son and names him Rafa (Enzo Pineda). Little does Tessa know that her real son Rafael is in the care of the Policarpio family, and is about to pursue his studies in Manila as Potpot (Diego). Here, he meets Vida (Sofia Andres), the daughter of Marga who chooses to disobey her mother in order to reach her dream of becoming a famous fashion designer like her idol Tessa, who is now known in the fashion industry as Terry Laurel.