Seeing him on the morning romantic comedy series Playhouse, DonKiss fans cannot stop fangirling over Donny Pangilinan and Kisses Delavin’s banter. This is only their first teleserye together, but already their fresh tandem has certainly become many Kapamilya’s new favorite. Yet some people would say that to truly get to know a man, you must find out how he treats his own mother. So, we compiled these photos that easily take all of us behind the camera!
We have not seen much of Zeke’s mom on Playhouse. Although we know that he deeply cares about his family. Him leaving classes to help with taking care of his grandfather only shows his sense of responsibility. Any woman would be lucky to have him. That is why we are giving Shiela an advance congratulations for capturing his attention.
In real life, Maricel Laxa-Pangilinan’s Instagram feed has more than enough of their family’s bonding moments that you could feel their special bond through the screen. She is always quick to share snaps whenever their whole family is complete, whether it is for another vacation or a celebration.
In one post, she talked about how proud she was to see Donny taking the same steps she did in show business and gladly accepts being a stage mother, “Because this boy has made us proud and we are happy to see him shine and be an inspiration to others.” Proving to be a super mom, she has often visited him on set, whatever the project may be. And just so you know, Maricel has also met Kisses and even called her a “charming lady”.
This gallery is a must for any DonKiss fan. But before checking this out, prepare your hearts to fall in love with Donny all over again!