Having been told by a fortune teller about the signs that would lead her to the right guy, Cesca (Daniela Stranner) seems getting fond of pondering on the idea of destiny. She even asks Rhamboy (Anthony Jennings)’s thoughts about it.
Rhamboy, surprised by Cesca’s sudden inclination to romance, tells Cassandra (Riva Quenery) the changes he sees. To clarify his confusion, Cassandra says that Cesca might have just been affected by Madam Adivina’s vision. She refuses to spill what she heard but eventually gives in to Rhamboy’s persistence in exchange of cellphone load. Cassandra reveals that Cesca’s surroundings would light up once she sees the man meant for her, according to Madam Adivina.
That night, Rhamboy daydreams about Cesca. In his imagination, a blinding light illuminates his heart. Cesca runs towards him and they both play around the mango farm. Esmie (Marnie Lapus) disturbs Rhamboy from daydreaming.
Later, Rhamboy takes selfies on his phone, making sure to up the exposure. He then writes a caption about being the light to someone’s world. Cesca runs across the uploaded images and laughs at Rhamboy’s antics. She clicks the ‘love’ button on each photo, prompting Rhamboy to do his wacky dance moves out of joy.