In the midst of a financial dilemma, Billy (Liza Soberano) accepts Antonia’s offer to get her paid in exchange of a date with Gabo (Enrique Gil). But she plans to do it gradually by winning Gabo’s trust first and helping him out in the unfamiliar country of Croatia. This way, he would be indebted to her and would eventually agree to whatever she would ask of him.
Billy puts an effort to look for Gabo and brings him to the small house she’s renting with other friends. Billy then helps Gabo find a job by pleading her boss to at least take him in the restaurant for a half pay. Yet, Billy’s persuasion and litany on Gabo’s good qualities weren’t enough to convince the restaurant manager.
Just a few moments after, a delivery guy brings in the manager’s orders – French truffles. But Gabo seems to know better. Just through sniffing the bread’s aroma, Gabo is able to tell that the pastry is not an authentic variety. The boss is impressed and thanks Gabo for saving her from being cheated on.
To test Gabo’s expertise even more, the boss hands him two glasses of different wine. And just by a simple look, smell, and a few sip, Gabo manages to distinguish the quality and type of the alcohol. His surprising mastery in the kitchen leads him to a job offer.
Billy, who was just watching in silence, suddenly shows enthusiasm and builds up Gabo’s skills even more. The manager pokes fun at her intrusion but agrees to her anyway. Gabo then thanks Billy and says he is now indebted to her, exactly what the cunning lady planned.