Is it possible for two people with opposite personalities to mesh together? The simple love story unfolds with Jayson (John Lloyd Cruz), a handsome employee of a huge supermarket. Because of his good looks, Jayson can have almost every woman he wants. He has had a string of girlfriends but has not taken his relationships with them seriously. Probably because of the trauma he felt when his mom abandoned their family, leaving them for another man. But then he comes across Rose (Sarah Geronimo), a co-employee at the grocery. Though she’s not his usual type, the young promo girl’s free spirit immediately appeals to him. Perhaps her aloofness towards his charms has him attracted to her. Then one fateful day, Jayson finds himself being rescued by Rose during a robbery at the supermarket. He realizes that he has begun having real feelings for her. But how can he convince Rose that he’s sincere when he has the reputation of a heartbreaker?
Joining in this episode are Melissa Ricks and Alan Paule. This episode is directed by Erick Reyes and writted by Ruel Montañez.