In this throwback episode of Gandang Gabi Vice aired in 2015, Gerald Anderson introduced his only brother Ken Anderson. The two have a very close relationship and proof is they swap clothes for their guestings. “What’s mine is his,” said Gerald. Although he doesn’t really like sharing clothes, that’s just how siblings are.
Gerald mentioned that Ken starred in an indie film in 2014 and he noticed upon watching, “Lahat ng damit niya sa mga eksena, lahat sa akin.” Ken smiled, saying it means older siblings are there to protect and support the younger ones, to which Gerald replied, “Kaya ako nagtatrabaho para talaga mabuhay sila at lahat ng damit ko maibigay ko sa kanila.”
Gerald and Ken have two elder sisters. Growing up, they moved back and forth United States and General Santos City but Ken spent more years in Gen San, thus he’s more fluent in Bisaya.
Get to know Gerald’s brother in this GGV throwback episode!