Benjie (Yves Flores) wakes up to a nightmare about Saal aka Abdul Waajid (Sid Lucero), the notorious terrorist leader who slain his brother. Alex (Gerald Anderson) comes to his comfort and they talk about their eager desire to exact revenge for Olan (Ketchup Eusebio)’s death and end the rebels’ empire.
The men take light moments in the camp following a series of intense missions. They opt for a friendly basketball match to have fun all the while fostering their bond. In the middle of the game, Lourd (Sue Rmirez) punches Alex (Gerald Anderson) after he accidentally hit her with the ball, drawing teases from their colleagues. The guys note that Alex seems happier than hurt.
The matchmaking continues until the night over a drinking session. Alex’s group opens up on their romantic histories. Gorio (Angelo Ilagan) boosts his masculinity, claiming that he juggles a lot of girlfriends at the same time. Gorio expresses his belief that females do nothing but leave men broken in the end just like how his own mother abandoned him. Alex begs to disagree, his statement prompting the others to match him up with Lourd.
Meanwhile, the senior officers bond over bottles of alcohol as well. A conversation with Jethro (Elmo Magalona) hints at Lourd’s past romantic involvement with their late comrade, Noah. Seeing that Lourd is still silently mourning over Noah’s death, Jethro urges his friend to move on and find someone new, citing Alex on top of the list of possible candidates.
Elsewhere, Saal drowns in a series of a bad news and events. He struggles to save his group from defeat after having been wiped out by the army. Nonetheless, they continue to collect help and resources from their few remaining allies.