Consumed by the desire for vengeance, Saal (Sid Lucero) continues to spy on Dante (Rommel Padilla) despite his mother’s persistent reminders to avoid inciting violence or making reckless decisions. Saal stands by Dante’s hotel and fires at the target. Dante is safe after having been alerted by a witness while Minda (Mickey Ferriols) receives a slight gunshot wound.
Minda insists to still join the charity drive. Alex (Gerald Anderson) responds to his mom’s request with soft compassion, leading to an argument between him and Elmer (Vin Abrenica). The army provides intensified security at the event’s venue. Alex and Jethro (Elmo Magalona) reviews the monitor and notices a suspicious-looking man lurking around. The curious bystander simply walks away after having been interrogated by the soldiers manning the area. The ground breaking activity at the Manolo Fabie School ends successfully despite the threats. The city mayor thanks the guests for their support and expresses apology for last night’s shooting incident.
Meanwhile, Saal seeks an old acquaintance’s help in getting rid of the CCTV footages in the hotel but this only leads him to trouble and betrayal. Saal and his group escape from Nassir (Zeppi Borromeo)’s faction.
The shooting incident ignites Alex’s curiosity, eager to know why his father has become the perpetrator’s target. His secret investigations lead him to the close cased of Yosef Alhuraji (Lito Pimentel)’s death during a skirmish decades ago. Alex becomes nosier when the army gets a hold of the CCTV footages from the hotel confirming that the suspect is none other than the notorious terrorist leader, Abdul Waajid.