Driven by the desire for vengeance, Saal aka Abdul Waajid (Sid Lucero) attempts to assassinate Dante (Rommel Padilla), leading him to trouble. To erase the traces of his recklessness, Saal meets with Nasir (Zeppi Borromoeo), an acquaintance who he knows could help him get rid of the CCTV footage in the hotel. But it turns out the Nasir has already sided with Saal’s rival, Aquil (Kiko Matos), leader of another faction. A fight happens among the three. Saal unintentionally kills Aquil while Nasir escapes.
Saal’s group jumps from one hideout to another. They try to seek help from their remaining bigtime friends but to no avail.
Saal gets another taste of betrayal as one of his most trusted members sells him out to Nasir. Tension flares, as Nasir demands Saal to forgo his leadership and join forces with him. Yasmin (Irma Adlawan) meddles and asks both camps to keep their cool and to settle the dispute through a peaceful talk and not violence. Nasir spares the underdogs, saying he knows that Saal would run out of options but to eventually ally with him, anyway.
Saal’s eyes speak volume of weariness and frustration. Yasmin wraps him in a comforting embrace, telling him to raise the white flag if he could no longer bear the struggles. Yet, Saal remains determined to keep the fight in behalf of his fellowmen.