Alex (Gerald Anderson) emerges as the top student of their batch. Apart from the fulfilment of his dreams, Alex’s happiness is doubled seeing both his parents attend the special occasion. When asked when he will be going home, Alex says he prefers to stay at the camp for the meantime. Dante (Rommel Padilla) asks him to leave the grudges behind and to come home that night. Alex takes Dante’s command not just as a father but also as a commander.
Raul (Mon Confiado) enters the scene to reunite with Dante and congratulate him for his son’s achievement. Elmer (Vin Abrenica) joins in the conversation to greet his parents as well. Raul also commends Elmer for treating the then candidate-soldiers with fairness. Elmer looks at Alex and asserts that everyone is treated equal at the camp.
Later, while watching the new graduates celebrate, Raul praises Dante for raising Alex well. Traces of fear are evident in Dante’s face as he bluntly states the fact that Alex would soon be setting his foot back in Mindanao. Raul assures his superior that there’s nothing to worry about as Alex doesn’t have an idea of where he came from. A flashback shows Raul telling Dante to bring Alex in the nearest DSWD office but Dante, guilty for killing Alex’s rebel father, decides to take in the child.
Meanwhile, the faction led by Saal (Sid Lucero) struggles in building weapons and manpower. Saal blames his second leader, Rasheed (Matt Evans) for not training their members well which led to betrayal against their group. Tension flares between Saal and Rasheed as they argue deeper about their dilemmas and pin the blame at each other. Yasmin (Irma Adlawan) meddles and puts the quarrel to a stop.
Later, Rasheed starts training their new recruits. He hands the members their own rifles, telling them to consider their weapons as their partners. Yasmin notices a young guy among the trainees. Yasmin learns that the young boy, Amir, is still a minor.
Yasmin approaches Saal and tries to enlighten his mind. She says the youngs are the reason why they keep on fighting for their freedom, and using them in the war would only put their vision in vain. Saal asserts that even the younger ones are inevitably caught up in the fight, just like how his brother died young during a skirmish. Yasmin allows Amir to stay at the camp but insists to not let him handle a weapon until needed.