After the intense mission against Saal (Sid Lucero), the troopers of the 4th Infantry Division spend lighter moments at the camp while waiting for a new lead and command from the superiors. The men opt for a friendly basketball match to have fun all the while fostering their bond. In the middle of the game, Alex (Gerald Anderson) accidentally hits Lourdes (Sue Ramirez) with the ball. His buddies anticipate the next scene knowing that Alex is in trouble. Lourdes punches Alex as revenge, drawing laughter from their comrades. But Alex is still seen smiling as Lourdes turns her back. His friends tease him, noting that he seems to be craving for more punches from the female trooper; and that he appears happier than hurt.
Elsewhere, Saal drowns in a series of a bad news and events. The military managed to sweep off almost his entire army. Further, their group is in hiding amid the authorities’ intensified search and operations. Saal struggles to save his group from defeat. Adding more to the challenge, the other faction formerly led by the killed leader, Habar, is now under the hands of a more ruthless leader who’s long been eyeing to get rid of Saal. Nonetheless, Saal’s group continues to collect help and resources from their few remaining allies.