Following a bombing attack, Alex (Gerald Anderson) lends his computer expertise by helping the military track the terror group’s online activities. While on his mission, Alex finds a new friend in Olan (Ketchup Eusebio), a righteous soldier who advises him to go after his heart’s desire of joining the army.
While on the way to the barracks after a day’s data gathering, Alex and the troopers led by Olan are ambushed. Olan hands Alex a rifle and they both fight against the enemies. But the terror group ruthlessly fires their bullets until everyone from the military’s side are seen lying defeated.
The two buddies struggle in an attempt to get out of the crime scene. But their wounds and injuries forbid them to escape. Alex begs Olan to keep on breathing and insists that they could still make it. However, Olan seems to just accept his fate and asks Alex to hand his dog tag to his wife.
The terror group approaches the military convoy to massacre the troopers and take their belongings. Alex acts dead while the terrorist leader, Saal (Sid Lucero) points his rifle at him. A flashback reveals that Saal is Alex’s older sibling who escaped with their mother amidst a 1997 clash in Misamis Oriental.
Fortunately, Saal gets distracted by the ringing sound of Alex’s phone. He picks up the device and quietly listens to Minda (Mickey Ferriols)’s worried voice on the other line. Saal bluntly tells Minda that her son is dead.
The terrorists leave the area. Alex carries Olan in an attempt to still save the soldier’s life. But the man in uniform succumbs to his unfortunate death.