Following a bombing attack, Alex (Gerald Anderson) lends his computer expertise by helping the military track the terror group’s online activities. While on his mission, Alex finds a new friend in Olan (Ketchup Eusebio), a righteous soldier who advises him to go after his heart’s desire of joining the army.
While on the way to the barracks after a day’s data gathering, Alex and the troopers led by Olan are ambushed. Olan and a number of uniformed men die in the encounter while Alex survives, albeit wounded after exchanging bullets with the enemies.
Haunting memories of the tragic incident flash on Alex’s mind. Thinking about Olan and the other dead soldiers drown him in misery. This intensifies his desire to join the military. Alex tries to go back to his work in the office but nothing seemed normal anymore. He is still in trauma and deeply frustrated knowing that there are uniformed men risking their lives for the safety of others including his.
Alex sets his foot on the training camp. Other characters are introduced in the story. Major Raul Lucente (Mon Confiado) orders the recruits to introduce themselves and mention their motive for joining the army. Among the candidates are Philip (Jerome Ponce) and Abraham (Carlo Aquino). Alex meets Benjamin (Yves Flores), Olan’s brother.
Major Raul notes the attendance of Michael (Nash Aguas), hinting that the young man has been trying his luck in the military for quite a few times already. Michael admits that he is in dire need of a job to be able to provide for his struggling family. Later, Michael fails in the screening once again, casting a shadow on his face for a split second. Major Raul asks Michael if this would be the end to his journey. Michael boldly says that he won’t stop yet and then turns his back.
The series of vigorous trainings officially begin. The trainees are tasked to be back within a quarter-hour. Alex gets distracted by Elmer (Vin Abrenica)’s attempt for a short talk. Will Alex still manage to perform Major Raul’s command despite the distraction?