Following a bombing attack, Alex (Gerald Anderson) lends his computer expertise by helping the military track the terror group’s online activities. While on his mission, Alex finds a new friend in Olan (Ketchup Eusebio), a righteous soldier who advises him to go after his heart’s desire of joining the army.
While on the way to the barracks after a day’s data gathering, Alex and the troopers led by Olan are ambushed. Olan and a number of uniformed men die in the encounter while Alex survives, albeit wounded after exchanging bullets with the enemies.
At the hospital, Alex wakes up to his parents standing next to his bed. Minda (Mickey Ferriols) hushes him as he starts asking questions about the other victims. Alex tears up while narrating everything he witnessed at the ambush. He mentions hearing the rebel group speak in a foreign language. Haunting memories of the tragic incident flash on Alex’s mind. Thinking about Olan and the other dead soldiers drown him in misery. This intensifies his desire to join the military.
Afterwards, General Victor Mondeja (Ariel Rivera) apologizes to Dante (Rommel Padilla) for putting his son’s life in danger. Based on Alex’s statement, Dante thinks of the possibility that the local terrorists have already managed to create international connections.