KChat Barbie Imperial Alive or Kill

Ready for a rollercoaster of thrills and chills? Barbie Imperial is excited about her latest film, “How to Slay a Nepo Baby,” and her recent appearance on Kapamilya Chat has only added to the buzz. The film dives into the world of entitled “nepo babies” — that’s short for “nepotism babies,” or those who ride on their family’s coattails to succeed. This new thriller takes a sharp turn from glamorous lives to eerie, life-or-death stakes.

In the movie, Barbie and Sue Ramirez star as part of a privileged gang who escape to Sagada to celebrate their success. Based on the trailer, what starts as a posh getaway quickly spirals into chaos after a dramatic altercation leads them to the remote village of Lunti. Stripped of their comforts, they face off against unsettling customs and a desperate fight for survival.

But Barbie graced Kapamilya Chat not only to tackle her intense role as Cass, the group’s moral compass, but she also took on fun games. Kapamilya Chat dared Barbie to take on the "Alive or Kill" Challenge, in which she gets a list of items and decides whether to keep them (say "alive") or toss them (say "kill").

Barbie has a soft spot for sentimental items. When asked if she keeps things she no longer uses, she happily says "alive" to anything with special memories. Take her first-ever expensive bag, for example—though she doesn’t use it anymore, she’s not ready to let it go because it symbolizes a significant milestone for her.

On the other hand, Barbie isn’t one to hoard travel mementos like plane tickets or boarding passes. While many might save these souvenirs, she’s not into keeping them around. When it comes to old clothes, Barbie's answer is a definitive "kill." She prefers to donate them to her driver’s kids or her cousins. Decluttering is definitely her thing!

Here’s a pro tip from Barbie: aiming for a minimalist lifestyle is easier with a smaller closet, which forces her to part with items that no longer hold value, like old gadget boxes and unused shoes. It’s all about maximizing space and keeping things streamlined.

Barbie also shared a little secret about gifts from exes — if they’re practical and still useful, she’ll keep them around. However, letters and flowers from past relationships are out of sight. What she truly values are the gifts from her close friends, as they hold more memories. 

So there you have it! Barbie’s "Alive or Kill" Challenge gave us a peek into her practical, yet sentimental side, and her love for keeping things that matter while letting go of what doesn’t.