Kokey@Ako revolves within the lives of the “Pambansang Pinyoko (friend), Kokey and “Ako,” which refers to the character Jackie portrayed by Ultimate Multimedia Star Toni Gonzaga. Ever since her parents were abducted when she was still a child, Jackie started her mission of finding extra-terrestrial creatures hoping that it would lead her to her parents’ whereabouts.
Kokey goes back to Earth in search for his sister Kekay, while Vhong Navarro's character is bound to play a crucial role in Kokey and Jackie’s respective quests to find their loved ones.
For the second time, blockbuster comedy director Wenn Deramas was tapped to lead the project. Also part of cast are Melai Cantiveros, Jason Francisco, Ms. Gloria Romero, Ms. Nova Villa, Mickey Ferriols, Wendy Valdez, Dj Durano, Candy Pangilinan, Joy Viado, Tess Antonio, Empoy, RUbi-RUbi, Debraliz, Maricel Laxa and Christian Vasquez.