In the long-running action-drama series FPJ’s Ang Probinsyano, Julia Montes plays Mara, the loving and diligent daughter of Armando (John Estrada) and Lolita (Rosanna Roces). And just like her character, she is not afraid to show her love for her family.
In her previous interviews, she was very vocal that her life would be "complete" if she could only meet her biological dad, as she firmly believes that she wouldn’t be who she is today if things did not happen the way it did.
Julia, born as Mara Schnittka, emotionally revealed in one of her past interviews in Magandang Buhay that her German father, Martin Schnittka, kept on apologizing to her when they finally met in December 2016 at a restaurant in Cubao, Quezon City. On her Instagram account, she posted a photo of her first-ever meeting with him and wholeheartedly thanked her followers for making their much-awaited reunion possible with the help of her fans, friends, and one of her cousins.
She shared that she actually never harbored ill feelings towards her biological father even if he left her with her mother when she was still a baby. As we all know, she was raised by her deaf Filipina mother Gemma Hautea and her grandmother Flory Hautea who are both very close to her.
Following their first meeting, she got reunited with her father again when they went on a trip to El Nido, Palawan in 2017 together, along with her two half-brothers, David and Kevin. The following year, she had the chance to celebrate their first Father’s Day together in London when she went to the United Kingdom as part of the Kapamilya Fiesta World in Scotland. And in 2019, she had the chance to finally fulfill her dream of spending more time with him after she chose to stay with him and his family seemingly throughout her whole sojourn in Germany.
Now, let’s take a look at these rare and heartwarming moments of Julia with her one and only “King” through their adorable photos together in this gallery!
Continuously show your love and support for Julia Montes by not missing an episode of FPJ’s Ang Probinsyano, weeknights on Kapamilya Channel, Kapamilya Online Live, and A2Z Channel 11.